Thursday, February 08, 2007

same God?

People like to say that God and Allah are one and the same. The ultimate question, do Christians and Muslims worship the same god? Allah means "the god," and depending which syllable is emphasized one says "the god" or " the God."

I am still mulling over my conversation with Mehdi. He wants to be able to completely understand God, that everything in the scriptures should be rationaly understood. He said that God is "great" enough to simply forgive us, Jesus didn't have to die (Muslims believe that God caused Judas to look like Jesus and was crucified in his place, while Christ was take up into heaven).

I know I need a God that is so much bigger that I am. A God that is holy and requires something, the shedding of blood, so that I can approach him.

So the more I come to understand what Muslims believe, the more I don't think we worship the same god. God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

1 comment:

Steph said...

I think that Islam (as with every other religion) begins with a desire to know and worship the one true God. I have no doubt that anyone following any other belief is any less sincere or any less desiring of God than I am. What I think happens tho, is that on our search for truth we get distracted and side traced by different things. For some it is knowledge, for others power, others secrurity or mystery. Christianity holds all of those, but in a different way from other religions. Instead of pointing to God, the other beliefs point to these other things which are all very attractive, and can at times seem like God, or part of God at least.

Just my thoughts.